Information for Authors

Manuscript Submission and Preparation

All submissions to Augmentative and Alternative Communication must be submitted via the Scholar One site: New users must first create an account. At the site you will be given a user number and password and instructions for submitting your paper. Once a user is logged onto the site, submissions are made via the Author Centre. Submissions undergo confidential peer review, the completion of which requires 2 to 3 months from date of submission. Manuscripts frequently undergo more than one review cycle.

Manuscripts must be prepared as Word files. Except for the cover letter and photographs (which should be submitted as jpeg files), DO NOT submit any component of the manuscript in PDF, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, or other non-text formats. A title page that includes author notes and acknowledgements should be submitted as a separate document (not for review), to ensure the manuscript is blinded for the review process.

Prior to the start of the peer review process, all submissions MUST meet the journal’s submission requirements, including for page length; APA and AAC-specific style; and, as applicable, the journal’s notational conventions to illustrate modes of communication used by individuals who use AAC. Manuscripts must also be clearly written in standard scientific English and organized so that they can be understood easily by the readership-at-large. Manuscripts that do not conform either to English language or formatting requiremetns will be returned to the corresponding author for revisions.

The journal’s full submission requirements are detailed in our Instructions for Authors, and Style Guidelines, a copy of which can be obtained by contacting the Editorial Office. Authors are strongly advised to carefully review the document in its entirety prior to submitting the manuscript.
